six degrees
Okay, so on Thanksgiving I meet this guy, C, who is a friend of my cousin M. C randomly remembers me from back in the college days when I worked at That's Rentertainment. Apparently, he has an excellent memory for faces. Pretty exceptional in and of itself. Anyway, fast-forward to today. I'm putzing around on Facebook, perusing my friends-of-friends, and I get to a girl, J, who I knew back in high school. Scrolling through her friends, I come across somebody I recognize, who I wouldn't think had any connection to her - a guy, R, who is also a friend of my cousin M. Apparently they "met randomly in 1995 at Swedish Days." :) Gotta love Swedish Days. Since I vaguely know R, I decide to scroll through his friends, and at the very top of his list is C, the guy from Thanksgiving. Cool! Anyhoo, continuing the trend, I peruse through C's friends, and am shocked once again to come across another name I know - a guy named A. A is a) a family member of some kids I used to regularly rent movies to at Rentertainment, and b) good friends with my friend T, who is on my very own Facebook friends list, and is the person responsible for me joining in the first place.