Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Congratulate me please!!!


That horror of a Configuration Data Management Apprentice test that occupied months of my time and finally finished about two weeks ago ... I PASSED!!! Woo hoo!! This is happy news indeed.

Here's the e-mail I got:


Congratulations on successfully completing the NDIA CDM Apprentice exam taken on 20 April 2006! Following are your scores:

Part 1: 72.5% Part 2: 82.5% Part 3: 80.0% Part 4: 78.8%
Overall Exam: 78.4%

Additional scoring information will follow in a few days by USPS letter."

AND, just so you really know how smart I am, the average score for this test is only 71%. Yeah, I'm a genius, I know. :)



Kristi said...

Congratulations! I always had a sneaking suspicion that you might be 78.4% genius. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you from an imaginary superior certified Configuration Data Management specialist. When I took the full CDM test (not just the wimpy apprentice thing), I was the first person ever to score higher than 100%, because I taught the examiners more than they knew about the questions which they had themselves concocted. In the mail shortly thereafter, I received an unsolicited MacArthur genius grant for hundreds of thousands of dollars and a lifetime invitation to join Mensa (which I rejected due to my overwhelming quality of humility). Nonetheless, your considerably less phenomenal achievement also deserves some congratulations, albeit minimal.

Kristi said...

Ask and you shall receive... I'd like to be the first to welcome the peanut gallery to Heidiland. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing your apprentice exam. I am a regular Kristentatious Blog Spot reader and commenter (a proud member of the infamous "peanut gallery"). I look forward to providing my future commenting services to you. Also, upon consultation with a fellow "peanut gallery" official with more seniority, we could also, upon request, send you a prospectus describing our commenting services in detail (including our fee structure)---which by the way is wholly non-monetary and has no base in health insurance. Please send your request to us at a non-disclosed blog spot known as kristentatious' blog and kindly include sufficient e-mail postage for an electronic package from India. Thanks. We look forward to hearing from you soon.