the little things, second installment
2) My Roommate's Cat
Bully, as she is more commonly known, is a funny cat. And I'm not even a cat person. She does some things that never cease to amuse me, such as these: a) she loves to be in the bathroom with me when I am getting ready in the morning. Her favorite thing to do is to jump up on the counter and stand right in front of me, meowing into my face and making it nearly impossible for me to brush my teeth without physically removing her from the counter. Or, what happens more often, is that I will turn on the other faucet just a trickle, so she can go play in that sink, thus distracting her from distracting me and making me late for work. b) her method of jumping onto said bathroom counter is to first jump onto the edge of the bathtup, and then onto the counter. If I close the shower curtain and block her route to the counter, she gets TOTALLY CONFUSED. c) when she misses the counter entirely. Recently, she tried to jump up there and her back legs must have slipped out from under her. She ended up hanging off the edge of the sink by her front paws, struggling in vain to get her (fat) body up where it wanted to be. It didn't work. I held onto her as she finally let go and slid down to the floor. d) her wide variety of meows. Seriously, this cat is ALWAYS talking. I don't know what the hell she's saying, but she sure likes the sound of her own voice. My favorite version is the loud maniacal meow that comes from down the hall when I'm in the living room, followed by the cat running into the room as if she's being chased by the devil himself. Who knows, maybe she is! e) she loves to chase bugs! f) her unconditional love of the ugliest rug in the apartment. If it were up to me, the thing would be chucked out the window and/or burned (the rug, not the cat), but she loves the thing so much, I can't bear to get rid of it ... plus it's not mine to get rid of. g) the fact that she is scared to death of everyone other than my roommate and myself. She runs into his bedroom when she hears someone ring the buzzer. There's a million other things that this cat does that make me laugh, but I am having a brain fart right now and this is all I can think of. More to follow perhaps.
3) The phrase "brain fart."
Especially when it's used by older, "grown-up" type people. At work.
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