Monday, July 03, 2006

Oh, blog.

How I have neglected you. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me??

I swear I am alive. Well, I think I am anyway. My coworker is finally back from her honeymoon, so my workload is back to normal, which means I once again have plenty of slack-off time. :)

As a general note on "how things are," I think I can say that my life is currently on an upswing. The very beginning of one. A personal issue that has been been causing me some serious stress over the last few months has, I believe, finally been resolved. Some sacrifices had to be made, but I think they were in everyone's best interest, and I can finally have a little peace of mind about my role in the sequence of events. I think that everyone is happy now, and that makes me happy too.

In other happy news, I got some good test results back from my doctor, which means that he is tapering off my Prednisone dosage (again), in favor of the Methotrexate as my maintenence medication. So if all goes well, I will be Chipmunk Cheeks no longer!! Yay! I seem to be responding well to the Methotrexate (no surprise to me since I had been on it before), which was one of the doctor's main concerns. I guess people don't always react well to it, but apparently I do. This is good 'cause it gets me off the Prednisone, but bad 'cause it means this 2-drink-per-week limit will be sticking around for the long haul. Not that I've been following it all that strictly anyway. ;) And also, if I plan of getting knocked up anytime soon, this will put a damper on those plans. But the likelihood of that happening is about the same as me getting struck by lightning, winning the lottery, and getting elected president of a small Eastern European country all in the same day.

Well, I certainly hope that this holiday weekend has been more exciting for everyone else than it has been for me. I have spent almost all of it cooped up in my apartment with nothing to do!! Friday night, I went out for a late dinner and drinks with some work friends, which was the extent of my social interaction during the weekend proper. Saturday I did zilch. The roomie went out dancing with a friend that night, and they brought some random Texan home with them, who apparently peed in his bed. Don't ask. Sunday, the only thing I really accomplished was baking a batch of cookies for a barbecue I will be attending later this evening. Unfortunately for me, I have to be at work today. There are maybe 7 people total working in the room where my cube is today, which is about 1/3 of the usual number. It's nice and quiet for a change, but it sucks to be here. At least I have the BBQ to go to tonight. I guess we're going to try to catch the fireworks, but with the weather as gross as it is, those plans might be abandoned. We'll see what happens. And tomorrow, once again, no plans, except for a tentative beach outing, and an attempt to clean my apartment. God knows it needs it. And I need the beach too, so let's hope that both of those things end up happening.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope I can see you so we can talk about some of these things you're being very enigmatic about these days.

Also - someone peed in your roommate's bed? LOL! That must have made him so mad. I could just see it.