Tuesday, January 29, 2008

wishing I'd listened to myself

As I was walking down the stairs to leave my apartment building and go to work this morning, I had this awful feeling that today was going to be a Very Stressful Day. One of those days where I'd wish I had stayed in bed that morning. And if my inbox at work hadn't been so overflowing, maybe I would have.

I should have listened to my gut.

As if my current cartastrophies, apartmentastrophies and medicatastrophies weren't enough, I now believe that the world has gone crazy in its entirety. I've spent the whole day dealing with crazy people, ignorant people, confusing people, pushy people, and the occasional very nice person (I must be honest).

I really wish I could say that there was a full moon, but alas. People ARE crazy and they have no excuse.

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