Tuesday, February 21, 2006


That's how many e-mails I received today at work. Neither of which were work-related. And THAT is just how slow this day has been. I wanna bang my head against the desk just for something to do. But at least I get to go home in 45 minutes. Yay, Home!! Where I get to ... do laundry, and ... pay bills, and ... study ... maybe I'll just stay here and surf the 'net some more. :)

Whoa, just got another e-mail and it has to do with WORK!! Let's see if it requires me to do something ...

Heh, well that took all of one minute to take care of. Bah! At least the sneezing keeps me busy.



Kristi said...

What are you studying for?

Heidi said...

I'm studying for this Configuration Data Management certification class I'm going to be taking for work. The class itself is two full days plus a third full day for the test, but prior to that I have a stack of documents about a foot high to read/skim and a huge study guide to go through. We've actually got a study group put together of the people taking this class (my boss recommended me for it - one of the first three in our department!). I seriously feel like I'm back in school again. It's very odd. We just found out today, though, that the class was pushed back another month, which is veeeery good news. I don't feel QUITE so overwhelmed now. :)