Wednesday, March 01, 2006


I feel awful. Physically. I feel worn out, and even though most of the symptoms of my cold are gone, I have this horrible, horrible pain in the center of my chest and back (mostly my back, actually). Everyone seems to think it is a lingering symptom of my cold (my doctor included), and I hope they're right. I hate to think I have any other wierd diseases on top of the one wierd disease I already have. My Mom even says she's had this pain before and it eventually goes away. I reeeeeeally hope it goes away. And soon. Sometimes it hurts so bad it makes me want to cry.

On a related note, I will be going in for another MRI soon to check on my aortic arch, in hopes that the inflammation has stayed down with the decrease in Prednisone dosage. Here's hoping. Though with this crippling pain in the core of my body right now, I find it hard to be optimistic about anything. Add to that, the increasingly intense wisdom tooth pain that I will need to get checked out soon, the unexplained pain in the back of one side of my neck that insists on keeping me up at night, and the sharp pain behind my right shoulder blade that has been plaguing me for months and shows no sign of letting up.

Hate to be a complainer, but yeah, it sucks to be me right now. I hurt.

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