News!! (sorta)
So, here's the scoop. As some of you may know (that is, if anyone actually reads this. Helloooo??), I had a relapse in my Takayasu's last September-ish and have been taking steps to make this better (i.e. going back on Prednisone and getting periodic CAT Scans/MRIs to check my progress). Just before New Year's I had a CAT scan that showed improvement, so my Dr. started a tapering regimine to eventually get me off the Prednisone (you can't just quit it cold turkey as it tends to do damage to the adrenal gland - man, have I done my research!). Well, during this time, I started experiencing a new pain in the same general area as my inflammation and was worried that my body was not reacting well to the tapering and the inflammation was coming back - or worse, spreading. This has been going on for about a month with good days and bad days (if I've cancelled some sort of social engagement on you, a bad day was most likely the cause, and I apologize for the wierdness of my innards), and about 2 weeks ago, I got another MRI. I was due for one anyway because of the tapering thing, and my Dr. suggested I get it sooner rather than later because of this pain. Well, after nearly two weeks of me nagging the hell out of the people at his office cause he wasn't calling me with results, he finally called me back yesterday (funny story about how my mom was involved in this - maybe later I'll tell it). The good news is that apparently there isn't any inflammation to speak of anymore and the blood flow in the whole area looks good, so he didn't see any reason for me to go back up on my dosage but wants me to stay put for a while (which I'm totally cool with). The bad news is, I STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHY I AM HURTING!!! Everyone has their theories. My mom says she's experienced similar pain before but it went away on its own. My dad said he's had pain in the exact same area and it was his trapezias (sp?) muscle, which had gotten tense from stress and developed all these little knots, and after he started getting massages the pain went away. My own theory (the TA rearing its ugly head) was just shot to pieces with the results of this MRI. Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY glad it's not that. I just wish I knew what it WAS!!
But anyway, I have another appt. to see my (not-so) trusty specialist in a couple weeks to see if he can't figure something out. If not, I guess it's back to the drawing board. Maybe I'll try massage (lord knows I could use a few of these anyway!) to see if that helps. Or maybe I'll just live on Advil for the rest of my life!! Hah!! :)
(BTW, I totally overuse parentheses, in case you couldn't tell!!)
Good news. This probably won't help you so much, but when I get weird pains, I punch them into submission. Show my body what's what...
My mind vw. my body is an ongoing battle, imo.
I usually do that too. It's only the major pains that I worry about. I actually have to pay attention to the pains I have because at any given moment, a random pain could be a sign that my Takayasu's is coming back. I'm learning that the hard way. You have no idea how defeated I felt when I had to go to the doctor the first time when this relapse started. I felt like a wus. But I'm glad I did it because the inflammation hadn't yet gotten to the point where it was causing any issues in blood flow (to my heart) like it did when I was first diagnosed. Don't know what would have happened if I had waited longer. But I definitely do employ the mind over matter philosophy when it comes fighting this thing as a whole, as well as all the other little annoyances my body throws at me. :)
Random pains kind of remind me of Chris' heart attack sensations of a couple months ago. The doctor told him that if there was a tiny tear in a muscle in his chest, there would be no way of knowing, and it would go away on it's own. I don't know if that's helpful, but hopefully whatever you have will go away on its own, too! Good news about the TA, though!
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