Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sorry to disappoint ...

... but I do not think there will be any more Week In Review posts from me. Despite positive feedback (i.e. one person telling me they were funny - thanks, Nora!) they were a failed experiment. Apparently I post so rarely that a weekly review would just about double my usual number of posts, and soon I'd get so lazy about other posts that the weeklies would be the only thing I'd ever get around to doing. And then they just wouldn't be special anymore. So no more weeklies. Sorry, folks.

In other news, my wisdom for the day is this: Don't gossip.

That is all.


Kristi said...

Speaking of gossip--I heard that Miss Rebelmeyer isn't going to write any more week in review posts--can you believe it?!?

word verification:

a) doesn't it seem a little excessive?
b)I imagine that when said aloud, it would sound a bit like the way Eric says, "See you next time!"

Heidi said...

a) Yes, very.
b) Ha ha!! Yes, his accent is all over that verification word! Next time I see him, you'll have to make him say "See you next time" because I will laugh. :)
4) Seriously! No gossiping! (Should there be 2 p's in that word? It looks wrong both ways.)

Anonymous said...

Gossip makes the world go round. At the very least, it makes my world slightly more entertaining. Or, it makes me feel better about myself.

Either way, it's good in my world. I also don't gossip about people I know. Just celebrities, and they're dumb anyway. And they make too much money.

Heidi said...

Dear Mrs. Greenfish,

As much as you may enjoy hearing the juicy details of the lives of those more wealthy than yourself (or anyone we know, for that matter), I think you'd feel differently if you suddenly found yourself to be the subject of someone else's "entertainment." Very differently. As a matter of fact, I think you'd think it sucked. I recently found myself in just such a situation where something that was MY business and MY business alone, was suddenly the business of people who had no business knowing. It was an unbelievable invasion of privacy and I'd never felt so exposed and betrayed.

I was recently flipping channels and caught a preview of a gossip piece on a certain troubled celebrity couple, and the things that were being discussed were SO personal, it made me cringe. Though I have no connection to this couple (I don't even particularly like them as actors), I felt incredibly sad for them. Imagine that you're just trying to live your life, and every little movement you make is watched and scrutinized for the mere reason that you are a successful person in the entertainment industry. You work hard to get where you're at, and as payment, the paparazzi and gossip-mongers are relentless. How fair is that? I mean, put yourself in their shoes for just one moment.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. I just really really really had to say my piece on this one since I, myself, have been the subject of nasty gossip. At this point, I consider it to be a vice and a bad habit and should be treated as such.
