Goodbye Doppelganger
So last night on Project Runway we said goodbye to my twin. Well, not really my twin, but Katherine is gone anyway. I didn't really think her dress/doggie hoodie combo was really all that bad other than being a little plain (Bradley's hideous concoction was a lot worse, and it got high marks from the judges!!!!), but I guess plain just doesn't cut it in the fashion world. Not for couture anyway.
So now I'm going to cut and paste my previous assessments of the contestants and add in my new observations from this week's episode (in red):
People I liked last week:
Laura - one of my faves so far, a very classy lady - she's turning out to be kind of a one-trick-pony - her design this week was a bit too similar in style to her ep. 1 design - move to ambivalent category
Robert - he used to design for Barbie!!
Uli - I loved her design in ep. 1 and ep. 3
Kayne - he was SO EXCITED to design for Miss USA
Allison - I like her personal style and want to see what she can do - thought she should have won this week
People I don't like:
Vincent - annoys the crap outta me and doesn't play well with others and designs ugly clothes
Angela - kind of incompetent but keeps getting through by the skin of her teeth - let's hope that doesn't last much longer - in her defense, I didn't think her outfit this week was as bad as everyone else did
Keith - he's a little (a LOT) full of himself after his win in ep. 1 - and nothing has changed here, even when he decided NOT TO DO the dog part of the challenge
People I am ambivalent about:
Katherine - she's the one who looks like me, but I've yet to see what she's all about - Bye Bye!!
Bonnie - don't know much about her
Bradley - seems sweet, but I HATED his design in ep. 1 ... and ep. 3 - if he doesn't prove himself worthy soon, he's moving to my dislike category
Jeffrey - his tattoos are a little wierd - jury's still out
Michael - I want him to be great but I'm just not sure yet - moving him to the like category - I'm diggin his designs
So that's the long and short of it. But seriously, every time I watch this show, I want to get back into fashion design, and start sewing things!!! Maybe I'll yoink my mom's sewing machine tonight ...
And speaking of clothes, I had a dream last ngith that I had a closet full of beautiful dresses!! I was trying to decide what to wear to a Prom (maybe a remnant of yesterday's convo with Jillybean about her Prom party?), and also trying to pick out a dress for ... my brother!!! Yeah, none of my dreams can be normal - there always has to be that one little part of it that reminds me that it's just a dream. But Oh how I wanted this one to come true when I woke up!! All those dresses! And I don't even wear dresses!!