Wednesday, July 12, 2006

a very yummy thing

Dude! I was at my parents' house for dinner last night and Mommers (Mommers? Really?) made this really good thing for dessert. If you like pineapple, peanuts, coconut and vanilla ice cream, you'll love it, I swear! You take slices of fresh pineapple, and glaze them with 2 tbsp brown sugar mixed with 1 tbsp lime juice, and then grill it! Put some oil on the griling surface, and over medium-high heat, cook it for approx. 8 minutes, flipping over half-way through (just FYI, you'll probably need less than 8 minutes - keep an eye on it), until it is brown on the edges. Then you put a slice or two in a dessert dish, sprinkle it with crushed peanuts and toasted coconut (Ha! I totally burned the coconut the first time I tried to toast it. BE CAREFUL!!), top with a scoop of ice cream, and voila!!


Disclaimer: This recipe is FROM MEMORY, so if you burn down your house while following these directions, I cannot be held responsible. Happy grilling! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, you managed to concoct every ingredient I am not so fond of (save the ice cream - who can hate ice cream?) and have put them into a dessert. Good job!

But hey, if it's any consolation, if I liked pineapple, coconut, or peanuts, I'm sure I'd be ALL OVER this dish. ;)