Friday, September 29, 2006


As I moved widdershins around the room, I tried to make sense of the walla-walla of the tohubohu. I got the fantods when I saw the napiform energumen in the corner. His nothosonomia took me by surprise, and of course the esprit d'escalier ocurred to me much later. The eesome ecdysiast was entertaining, but squiffed. I didn't envy the katzenjammer she'd have, but her hallux and her oxter were mesmerizing. I footled around. The facilities were puckeroo and quisquilious, and were out of bumf, and the latrinalia was raunchy. I met a bibliobibulus who'd forgotten to infucate so I could see all her fernticles. She asked me something nudiustertian and I told her to perendinate. There was a psithurism, and the hebdomedal gathering came to an abrupt end when a snollygoster spanghewed.

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