Friday, September 08, 2006

from Ms. greenfish herself

- Five People You'd Like to be Stuck on an Elevator With (real or fake)

5. Johnny Depp
4. Francois Truffaut (if he was still alive)
3. J. K. Rowling
2. Dr. McDreamy
1. Orlando Bloom

- Five Foods You Will Never Eat

5. a triple cheeseburger (I think I gained a pound just typing that out)
4. head cheese (just eew)
3. an egg white omelet (without the yolk, it's just not an egg)
2. placenta (sorry, just had to put that in there)
1. foie gras!!! (thanks to the ban in Chicago, and the fact that I never wanted to try it in the first place)

- Five Worst Hypothetical First Dates

5. Kenny Chesney concert
4. anything involving a trip to the Emergency Room
3. anything involving getting arrested (actually, that may depend on what we're getting arrested for ...)
2. Golf
1. the one in "When Harry Met Sally" where Sally's date pulls a hair out of her head and flosses with it

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