Sunday, September 10, 2006

from 'tatious

-Five best (current or former) roommates, listed in order from most best to least best (with "best" not necessarily referring to Nora Best, who might have an unfair advantage.)

1. Kristentatious
1. Nora B.
1. Jillybean
1. Scott

Ha!! You're all number one!! See how crafty I am?? :)

-Five things on your "list" that you still want to do. (You know, the list that everybody keeps, either on paper or in their head, of things they would like to do before they die)

5. Go to New Zealand
4. Write a screenplay
3. Learn photogaphy
2. Go to the Oscars
1. Dye my hair pink

FYI - my list is actually written down, and I somehow managed to find it so I could make this accurate!

-Five things from your list that you have already done.

5. Get a college degree
4. Work on a TV show/movie
3. Act in a play
2. Go skydiving
1. Go to Disney World

-Top five movies in your queue

5. Mrs. Henderson Presents
4. The Aviator
3. Everything is Illuminated
2. Dead Like Me Season 2 Disc 4
1. Clue

Voila! There you have it!! :) Whew, that was a lot of work!

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