Monday, November 27, 2006

in competition for cutest little boy in the world

A few weeks ago, I went to visit my friend Kristentatious at her home. As a result of this visit, I got to spend some time with her adorable little 2 1/2 year old boy Eric. He played shy at first around "Auntie Heidi" but after a while, he was back to his usual flirty self. He literally threw himself at me while we were doing puzzles on the living room floor, and I gave him the first horsey ride that I'd given anyone in a VERY long time. By the end of the night, he was as sad to see me go as I was to leave. At least, I'd like to think so. :) I came back telling people that he was officially the "cutest little boy in the world."

HOWEVER ... last Thursday was Thanksgiving, and I went to my Aunt and Uncle's for our annual feast. My cousin's little boy Gaian was there and I gotta tell ya, Eric's got some competition! Gaian is almost 3 years old, and he delighted the crowd with his moving rendition of "Twinkle, Twinkle" several times throughout the night (I got to hear it twice). And did I mention that he was totally on-key? And that he's got floppy blond hair, blue eyes, and a missing front tooth? To be fair, Eric also has the prettiest blue eyes, which he inherited from his mother. But I did come home after Thanksgiving claiming Gaian as yet another "cutest little boy in the world."

And now I am torn. If only I had pictures of the two of them that I could post here and have the "public" vote (like anyone other than my own friends read this). But I guess for now I'll just have to say they are both the "cutest little boys in the world" because I JUST CAN'T DECIDE!!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

As a totally non-biased third party, that Eric kid definitely sounds cuter. :)