Tuesday, May 01, 2007

maybe exercise? no, definitely not.

I should have stayed in bed today. I woke up to the sound of birds chirping ... wait, that sounds too pleasant, let me rephrase ... I woke up to the sound of birds screaming at me. My bedroom faces the courtyard, so I think their squawking gets amplified by a thousand in there. Plus, I swear I heard at LEAST three other peoples' alarm clocks going off before mine did. I don't know if a lot of people sleep with their windows open, or if the walls are just incredibly thin, but whatever it was, it was a little annoying. I seriously considered calling in "sick" but unfortunately, my conscience got the better of me and I bit the bullet and came in to work. I'm already regretting it because the morning is draaaaaagging. At least I have some shopping to look forward to this evening. However, it will be a bittersweet shopping trip because of the particular item I will be searching for ... fat pants! Woo hoo!! I've gained weight and my clothes don't fit!! I'm supposed to be losing weight because I'm getting off one of my medications (Did I mention that? It's good news.), but alas, it has not been happening. Last week I weighed myself and was delighted to see that I weighed more than I have ever weighed in my life. Lovely. But since then I've lost about 8 of those pounds, which must have been water weight because I don't know how someone can lose 8 pounds so quickly by only slightly changing their eating habits. My body is weird, what can I say. I'm hoping that this is just a temporary setback and that I'll be able to lose the weight pretty easily once I'm off the meds for good and can get back to a normal eating routine, but of course I fear the worst. The worst being that my metabolism is going through that change that happens to every woman at some point around (or before) age 30. It's a scary thought. But hey, even if that's the case, I can still lose the weight, it'll just be a little harder. Anyhoo, maybe I should just focus on the fact that I've never needed fat pants up until this point in my life, and that definitely has to be a good thing.

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