One of the features of my hit counter on this thing is that I can see where my visitors were referred from. I think I've mentioned before how it's fun to see what Google queries land people on my page, but nothing beats the most recent one. The other day, some poor sap got to my page when s/he had to ask Google: "'I eat mop who?' meaning" I can just imagine this unfortunate soul having to go through life laughing at that dumb joke, but never really getting it. Having to resort to the Internet to save themselves the embarrassment of asking a friend what was so funny about eating a mop. Maybe I should write up a post explaining all of the dumb jokes that kids tell so that ANYONE who finds themselves in this predicament has a place to go to safely and anonymously get the answers to their most ridiculous, "ask the audience," I-should-get-this-but-I-don't, questions.
uhh... if the prior website was a porn website, that might've been me...
Hey! That's one of Eric's favorite jokes! I don't remember seeing it on your blog before. At our house, we've come up with many variations, like "I touch mop", "I sniff mop", "I play with mop", etc.
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