Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I haven't written anything in a while, have I? Hmm. I'm trying to think of why that might be ... I was really busy with work for a couple weeks there, but that doesn't usually stop me from documenting my thoughts ... dunno. I guess I've been feeling like I'm in some kind of state of suspended animation or something lately. I haven't been having any deep thoughts, no emotional turmoil, no quirky observations, no rhetorical questions. Just ... existing. Don't get me wrong, I've been perfectly happy with the status quo. It's just not very conducive to blogging.

But here's something. I have been trying to straighten myself out with regards to my diet. Some recent bouts of tummy turmoil ('Turmoil' is a great word, isn't it? I've already used it twice in this entry!!) have clued me in to the fact that I don't exactly eat what I should be eating. Several months ago I decided to cut out all artificial sweeteners (bye-bye Diet Coke), limit my caffeine intake, and drink more water. Now that my bladder has gotten used to the idea, it's been pretty smooth sailing on those seas (I should maybe consider rephrasing that sentence.). But now is the time for a more drastic overhaul of my old eating habits. I need to buy more fresh veggies, more whole foods (bye-bye blue box mac and cheese), and perhaps most importantly, learn to ...*gasp* ... COOK!!! Sadly, this is where the problem lies. It's not that I crave the processed, bad-for-you foods, it's that I am interminably lazy. I don't want to take the time to cook something myself when it's so much easier to throw something in the microwave for a few minutes and be done with it. Even making a salad is exhausting work for me, cutting up all those veggies. I tried once to make one huge salad that I could divide up and eat over a couple days, but then I forgot about it and after the third or fourth day, the whole thing had already gone bad. Utter failure.

However, I was very proud of myself after I went to the grocery store yesterday. I intended to buy some yogurt for my lunches, and perhaps a couple of other things if they struck my fancy. I ended up completely filling my basket, and 90% of it was fresh produce! Go me! I plan to make a trip back to the store in a couple days to get ingredients for some soup I'm going to attempt to make this weekend (a 4-day weekend for me! Whoo!).

... and I have no idea how to end this entry. Perhaps "Here's to healthy eating!" works?

The End.

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