Wednesday, February 22, 2006

2 funny things ...

Okay, I have two funny anecdotes to share today. One that randomly popped into my head yesterday and one that just happened last evening. Let's start with the latter ...

Yesterday I got home from work and was squatting down to do something when my roommate's cat comes up and starts to use me as a scratching post like cats tend to do (don't worry, she's declawed, so it's more like a massage than actual scratching). She happens to be behind me, so she's pawing away at my lower back, and since I was in this odd squatting position, the waistband of my pants was sticking out a little and her paws kept catching it. Apparently she decided that this game was more fun than just scratching my back, so she kept on pulling at the waistband of my pants! The cat was trying to undress me! She just kept doing it!! It had to be one of the oddest things ever and I cracked up for about 5 minutes.** And sadly, this was more action than I had gotten in a long time.

And story #2 ...

One of my old managers at a previous job, we'll call her Pam, told me this story once about a time she was redecorating her daughter's bedroom when she was little. The daughter made a crown out of a leftover piece of wallpaper and gave it to Pam to wear while they worked. Well, later that day, Pam had to go to the grocery store, and didn't realize that she was still wearing the wallpaper crown. Walking through the store, she kept wondering why people were giving her funny looks! She finally realized why when she saw a particular father and daughter's interaction. The small daughter pointed at Pam and whispered something to the father that she couldn't hear, to which the father replied, "I don't know, honey. Maybe she's a queen."


** I do realize that this story would have been much more entertaining had the cat ended up ripping my pants and I had to explain the ridiculous story of what happened to someone, or if someone had walked in and seen what was going on and got the wrong idea, or something along those lines. But that's not what happened, so cut me some slack here. I personally found it hillarious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, this won't do! If you're going to mention dirty implications, you're supposed to go off on a dirty tangent! You didn't even use expressions like 'heaving bosoms' or 'animal passion' or 'ripped bodice'! Come back when you are more capable of enthralling and titillating with your dirty Heidi on cat stories! Oh wait, this is YOUR blog...I guess I'll show myself out for now. No, no, I think I know where the door is...