Monday, February 20, 2006

Sick, Sicker, Sickest

So, I stuck to the plan I mentioned in the last post and I am glad that I did cause I was sick as a dog this weekend. Thursday I woke up with a very sore throat, which is always the first sign of getting a cold. Insert Thursday/Friday plan here. Friday, symptoms worsened and now included a nasty headache and stuffy head (more like a head that felt like it was about to explode). I slept most of the day, then stupidly decided to leave the house and head out to my parents' house because I promised my Mom I'd go to a Pampered Chef party with her. Said party was nearly unbearable because I was feeling progressively worse. When I got back to the folks' place, I was shivering an inordinate amount for the temperature in the room, and though I didn't take my own temp, I'm pretty sure I had a fever. Sleeping was difficult that night, and I had to get up early to drop my car off to get the brakes fixed. I attempted to go shoe shopping with my Mama, but after one store, I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to crash. So Mom drove me home where I slept the rest of the day until my car was ready, after which my parents convinced me to stay for dinner (cannot resist the Gen Hoe fried rice!!). I finally went back to my own place after dinner and spent the rest of the evening on the couch where I watched the most recent Freaks and Geeks DVD I received from Netflix, and then the second half of Back to the Future II on TBS. Then bed. Sunday was significantly better (mostly because I got to watch the first half of Back to the Future II!!). No headache, and the sore throat subsided in favor of an annoying cough (but I'd prefer the cough to the soreness any day). Today I am back at work and feeling like a giant ball of nastiness, but at least I'm here and being somewhat productive. The one work thing I was afraid would be an issue with my not being there on Friday was not an issue at all because something unrelated to my job had not been completed yet, so that made me happy ... sorta. Normally I'm annoyed when this happens, but in this case, it was a relief. Whatever. Work. Bah.

Oh, and I have made a change! Albeit a temporary one that I probably will not do very often except on weekends when I have more time. You wanna know what it is?? Of course you do! I straightened my hair!!!! I have never ever successfully done this before, and now that I have, I kinda like it! Now don't get me wrong, I still love the curly hair and I always will. It's just who I am! But I've always wondered what I'd look like with straight hair, and now I know! Pretty Damn Cute! The reason I attempted this at this particular point in time is because another curly-haired friend of mine has recently decided to tame the curls, and she looks absolutely adorable (not that she didn't before, of course). And she informed me that there are, in fact, straightening irons that can be used on wet hair, thus eliminating the blowdrying step, which I have, for my whole life, dreaded the very thought of! Yay for modern technology. Okay, maybe that's not really technology, but humor me here, folks.

Doin' the straight thing (wait, that sounds wierd ... but still true anyway),

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