Friday, April 21, 2006

Finals Week

So, it's definitely been a while since I've been in school (5 years. Yeesh!), but yesterday, I felt like I had just finished my last final and was on my way home for summer vacation. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

Over the last three days (not counting the weeks and weeks of prep) I have been in training for an NDIA Configuration Data Management Certification. Man, that's a mouthful. In a nutshell, I was basically studying about 20 or so Military Standards dealing with procedures that had close to nothing to do with my job. Why my boss insisted this was necessary is still beyond me, but I just do what he tells me and don't ask questions. :) Well, not really, but in this case, I really didn't have a choice. So, we get a listing of the documents we have to study ahead of time, and then for two days, NDIA (National Defense Industrial Association) sends an instructor to our facility and we go through the study guide and review the important points. Then ... dun dun DUN ... there's an EXAM!!! An exam that lasts for an ENTIRE day. That's right, folks. 8 full hours (well, almost) of true/false, multiple choice, matching, and essay questions. Bluurgh.

The people who were taking this exam who had tons more experience than me were soooo nervous about it, which sort of made me nervous. But having still been the freshest out of school, I looked at this as taking a class on something I wasn't too familiar with and being tested on it. Not too too scary, but stressful none the less. One unexpected surprise (both good and bad) was that I actually was not getting certified. In order to qualify to take the actual certification test, you needed a minimum of 5 years experience in Configuration or Data Management. I have just over a year. I guess my boss thought I could somehow get around this requirement, but no dice. I found out the first day of the review that I would only be taking an apprentice examination, which wouldn't certify me, but would be considerably easier. Easier test = good. No certification after so many hours of studying = not good. Having to retake the test in its entirity anyway after I do receive 5 years experience = not good. The not good definitely outweighs the good, but whatever.

So, the test was yesterday and it went ... okay. It was T O U G H. We need to get 70% to pass, and the average score for the apprentice exam is 71%!!! That seemed really low to me. Many of the multiple choice questions were super hard. And the true/false were brutal. The matching questions were a joke (basically free points if you could match an acronym with what it stood for - umm, yes, I learned my alphabet before kindergarten, thankyouverymuch). Esaay questions - some were hard, others, not so hard. Anyway, I won't find out how I did for at least two weeks, which kinda stinks, but hey, what can I do now anyway? Stressing about how I did won't change anything. It's done and on its way and now my part is over with.

So now, the idea of going back to normal life and resuming business as usual is soooo wonderful. And the fact that its Friday and I get to go home early is oh so nice. Ahhhh.

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