they're ba-ack!
I was APPALLED to see Vincent and Angela back on last night's episode of Project Runway. Could they possibly have picked two worse people? I think not. However, I was ELATED to see them get eliminated YET AGAIN for designing craptastic pieces of crap. But in my opinion, there was actually a LOT of crap on that runway last night.
Okay, let's back up. The reason Vincent and Angela came back in the first place was because they had won challenges prior to their elimination, and Ms. Klum had been saying that there were certain advantages to winning that would be revealed in a later challenge. Apparently the advantage was a SECOND FRIGGING CHANCE!! How cool is that ... for someone who may have actually had TALENT and only got eliminated for ONE lapse of style judgement. Not for piece of crap designers who the producers seemed to have dragged off the street. Well, I'm sure they thought it was pretty cool ... but I digress.
So, Vincent and Angela come back for the black-and-white cocktail dress challenge, but the catch is that they have to WIN the challenge in order to stay in the game. Otherwise they're out on their asses yet again. And the rest of the contestants are none to happy to see these people back. Can you blame them? They've worked hard and designed some kick-ass clothes time and time again in order to stay in the game, and here come these clowns with another chance just because they may have won ONE challenge. Seriously. Even Laura had some choice words for Angela who's win was for a group challenge. One where the "group" actually did a lot of the designing and reining-in of Angela, because had she been left on her own, the pants on her outfit would have been COVERED with those atrocious little rosettes, and no way would it have won that challenge (IMO).
So anyway, back to the game. Three people were going to be eliminated that night, so the remaining designers had to work EXTRA hard in order to stay in. However, there was really only one dress that I liked, and it didn't even win. I loooooved Michael's dress. But the judges loooooved Laura's dress more. I guess congrats to her for finally winning a challenge, but my question is, did the judges give her the win just because she FINALLY listened to them and designed something someone younger than 40 might actually wear? Is that a good reason to give her the prize? Methinks no. But hey, I'm not a judge, so what do I know? Anyhoo, her dress was okay I guess. Vincent's was a piece of crap - it's a really bad sign when even a MODEL can't make a dress look good. Angela's was just odd and ugly in true Angela fashion. I honestly don't think ANYONE would wear that. Uli's was very ... Uli. But not in a good way, unfortunately. I'm kind of getting tired (?) of her stuff. Is tired the right word? I don't know. Maybe bored is more appropriate. Kayne's dress was quite tacky, as is Kayne, so that's pretty fitting. And I hate to admit it, but I despised Jeffrey's dress this week! Michael said that Kayne's dress was starting to look hooker-ish, but if ANYONE looked like a hooker last night, it was Jeffry's model! The leggings were TOO MUCH. There is a fine line between rock 'n' roll and trash.
So the eliminations ... I was very surprised that Michael didn't win, but Laura's dress was my second favorite, so if anyone else had to win, I was glad it was her. No big surprise that Angela and Vincent both lost ... again. But what a relief! If one of them had been brought back in the game at the price of one of my favorites I don't think I could go on watching the show!! Well, I probably wouldn't have gone that far considering I AM addicted (the withdrawal symptoms wouldn't have been worth it), but anyway. The elimination portion was a definite nail-biter. I was CONVINCED that Jeffrey was going to get Auf'd, but the judges did a good thing and let him stay. Even though his dress may have been worse-looking than Kayne's, I think they took Kayne's overall taste level into consideration and realized that Jeffrey has some real potential whereas Kayne is just tacky all over the place. Good for them. :)
So I breathed a heavy sign of relief because my faves are still in there, and there's only one more elimination to get to the final three. I'm thinking now, though, that if Laura were to take the place of, maybe, Uli, in the top three, I might not be TOO disappointed. But Michael and Jeffrey NEED to be in there. Can't wait till next week!!
On a side note, bravo to Bravo for tricksy editing in their promos for this most recent episode! In the ads, they showed Heidi Klum saying to the contestants right before she introduced their special guests, "there are two of them." Cut to a soundbite of Laura saying to Tim Gunn how she didn't want to exhaust herself "designing a dress for the Olson twins." Sneaky devils.
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