Thursday, April 26, 2007

kid stuff

I am loving Bring Your Child to Work Day! And I don't even have kids! Several of my coworkers have brought their kids in today, and I gotta tell ya, these kids are all pretty cool. The guy who sits in the cubicle across from me brought in his 8-year-old daughter and she was absolutely adorable! Another coworker and I (her dad stayed at his desk) got to take her down to the employee store to get a little gift they were giving out to the kids, and ALMOST got our picture taken with her as if she were our own. Now THAT might have started some unsavory rumors. :) Another coworker brought her son in (he's probably around 10 years old), and he has been helping us out by organizing binders and picking things up at the printer, and he LOVES IT! He's thanking us for giving him things to do and asking for more!! It's so cute! And earlier today, I tagged along with a big group of parents and kids for a tour of a couple different areas of our facility that I'd never been to before, and it was really interesting. I got to learn about some of our products in terms I can actually understand! Geez, how sad is that - I have to listen to the Kid's Day version of how our products work in order to understand it! ;) It's funny, though, when you don't spend that much time with kids, you forget how much fun they can be! And how cute and funny. I just wish I'd been able to hang out in MY Dad's office all day long instead of actually having to work. That would have been awesome!

p.s. If you'll notice above these posts, I have added a countdown to all things Harry Potter. Book 7 and Movie 5 coming out a week apart! This summer is so going to rock!

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