a good weekend
The good thing about where I work is that we can opt to work longer hours during the summer, and get every other Friday off. This past weekend was one of those three-days and it was pretty good. Though I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I wanted in the "chores" and "errands" departments, I managed to get out of the house and have a little fun. Friday, I went grocery shopping - wait, did I just follow a sentence about fun with one about grocery shopping? Didn't mean to do that. :) But I did want to mention the groceries, the one productive thing I did all weekend, just so nobody thought I was a total sloth. Anyhoo, that was Friday. Saturday, I went out with a couple friends and saw the new Harry Potter movie!!! I was so damn excited about this thing, nothing could bring me down. Not even the snafu with theater location, the endless traffic, and the fact that we had to go to a later show than planned. It still rocked! I am SUCH a Potter-maniac, and I am PSYCHED for next Saturday when the final book comes out. I am also really sad, though, because, sniff, this means it's the END!! No more! Boo hoo. :( But right now, the anticipation is killing me, and that is totally the best part. :) Then, on Sunday, I went with a friend to the Gogol Bordello show at the Vic, which also rocked! Those guys are so completely insane and fun, that even though I was confined** to a chair next to my be-crutched (Is that a word??) friend - long story - I still felt like I had bounced and flailed along with all my fellow concert patrons. Oh, I also got my back spit on, my hand kissed, and my shoulder bitten. Yeah, it was THAT kind of show. ;) Totally fun. And bouncy.
And as a little update to my previous post, after a bit of research, I have diagnosed myself with rebound headaches. The only way to cure these is to stop taking the medication that is causing them (duh). So that means I am basically going to have a headache until it goes away. Sounds fun, huh? I have one medication that I think is safe and will hopefully prevent them, so we'll see how it goes. Send some positive thoughts my way, guys, okay? I could use some.
** Just to clarify, I was confined to the chair completely by choice. My friend is on crutches, so she called ahead and got a section roped off especially for us so that she could sit comfortably and be able to stretch out her leg. The velvet rope was breached shortly into the set, but the uninvited guests were at least courteous enough to give her a wide berth so she'd be comfortable. Everybody at that show was actually very nice. They've got cool fans. :)
Ok, this was a little disjointed, but I've got work to do and I'm TOTALLY procrastinating. Hey, it's Monday.
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