Thursday, August 07, 2008

PR5 ep. 3&4

It appears I missed posting about last week's Project Runway, so now that this week's episode has aired, I guess I'll just moosh them both up together in one post. Yummy.

Well, last week, from what I remember, was actually a bit of a puzzler. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the judges were thinking when they chose the top and bottom 3. I loathed the winning dress (no offense to Kenley). It may have been passable if it didn't have that strange pouf of purple jutting out of one hip, but even then, I probably wouldn't have given it a second look. Oddly enough, I liked Jerell's dress the best, even though I'm kinda undecided on his style as a whole. But it wasn't even in the top 3. Of the ones they chose, I definitely thought Terri would win, but alas. As for the bottom 3, Emily absolutely did NOT deserve to go home, compared with the dumpy thing that Jennifer came up with. Emily's exit comment of "Hell, no, that wasn't the losing dress!" gave me a bit of satisfaction that she was just as dumbstruck as I was by the decision. Sure, nobody really believes they've done the worst, but she was almost militant about it. I'll miss you Emily, you were auf'd before your time! My faves that episode were Jerell, Kelli, Blayne and Leanne (I just vomited a little in my mouth having to admit that). Jennifer's was the worst by far, and the rest were just blah to me.

On to this week!

Yay Olympics! Yay America! That was the theme - to design an outfit appropriate for the athletes (female) to wear to the Olympics opening ceremony. But before I get to the clothes, I must share an observation. It seems to me that no real contestant drama is happening so far this season and thus TPTB are resorting to manufacturing some of their own. Or rather, they're taking little tiffs and complaints and trying to make them seem bigger than they really are. This episode was filled to the brim with "He stole my fabric ... he re-threaded my machine ... she laughs too loud ... blah blah blah ..." Nothing substantial ... so ... why bother? I dunno, whatever. Moving on! I'm not so much into the sporty stuff, but it was actually very refreshing to see the designers doing something other than little cocktail dresses. And this time around, I thought their top and bottom 3 choices were spot-on. Korto definitely deserved the win. Her design answered the challenge perfectly and was very fashionable and modern and appropriate for an athlete. And FINALLY, Jennifer got eliminated. I don't know what it was about her (Her insistence despite all evidence that she is a surrealist? Her teeth?) but I just couldn't wait to see her go. I didn't think her outfit this challenge was as bad as last week's disaster, but it was in no way relevant to the challenge. It didn't say "Olympics" and it didn't say "America." It said only "Jennifer" and that was enough to get her a one-way ticket back to Holly Golightly Land. Aside from Korto, I also really liked Joe (I think this is the first time his design has even registered on my radar) and Leanne (Did I really just admit to liking her again??). The judges also really liked Terri, but was I the only one who noticed that the model's chest was literally bulging out of the strapless top underneath the jacket? Not pretty, and not a good sign for anyone who actually HAS boobs. Two more quick comments before I get to the rundown: 1) Michael Kors commented to Joe that he had trouble with the length of his skort, but to me that looked intentional. Wasn't it? It seemed an awfully big mistake if it indeed was one. 2) Daniel really shouldn't have listened to Kenley when she told him to ditch the jacket he was making for his dress. If he'd gone with it, the judges may have understood better where he was going with his look, and he might not have gotten so close to elimination. Do I smell sabotage??

Runway Rundown: (most fave to least fave)
(Note: This was hard this week! So many people have moved up and down the scale.)
Kelli - My new top pick. She's been the most consistent and I think she's got the potential to make it to the end.
Kenley - NYC Challenge Winner - Though I didn't like her NYC-inspired dress and her Olympic outfit was just so-so, I still put her pretty far up there.
Korto - Olympic Challenge Winner - She made quite a jump due to this stellar outfit.
Daniel - Don't know what's up with Daniel, but I still see potential.
Terri - I guess she's just one of those in-the-middle kind of folks for me. Nothing outstanding, but nothing terribly yucky.
Jerell - He is seriously all over the map. One day he's making something gorgeous, the next day it's Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Blayne - This guy is beginning to grow on me, personality-wise. I want him to design some really great stuff so I can put him up at the top of my list.
Suede - Nothing new to say about Suede. Middle man.
Leanna - I can hate her if I want to.
Stella - I'm beginning to think it was a mistake to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Joe - One impressive design among a bunch of dookie.
Keith - Someone has to be on the bottom. Might as well be Keith.
Emily - Eliminated NYC Challenge
Jennifer - Eliminated Olympics Challenge

p.s. I'm surprised there haven't been any group challenges yet. Betcha that's what's coming next week!!

p.p.s. I owe you a post about Lollapalooza! Stay tuned.

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